Zmitser Dashkevich sent to Horki colony this night

"Belarusian Partisan" reminds that the father of the "Young Front" activist Viachaslau Dashkevich filed a written request to send his son to another colony, closer to his place of residence, a couple of days ago. 

The reason for the request is not only the information that the correctional colony No. 9 has one of the worst characteristics with regard to internal communication and life rules. Another reason is that Viachaslau Dashkevich is disabled and has a leg brace. He is left alone and it is absolutely impossible for him to visit his son in prison, which is more than 400 kilometers away. It is difficult in both physical and financial point of view. 

However, the officials gave no reply to the political prisoner's father and formally asked him to file an official request for sending his son to another colony. They promised to send their response via mail within two weeks, and sent Zmitser to Horki at the same time.