Total MOBYlization in Minsk

Before the concert started, meeting our friends at the dance floor, we shared opinions on what he would be like - the "concert" Moby. Many people warned - if you go to Moby's concert you will either be tanked-up or fall asleep. However, there was the third variant - Moby appeared before Minsk audience as an energetic and even euphoric person, and his live program was a strong mix of dance beats and hard remixes.








Moby flew around the stage all the time, was busy with special effects, played guitar and drums. After each song he addressed to the public with "Thank you, thank you", or sometimes "Spasiba" or "Dziakuj" ("Thank you" in Belarusian), stressing the last syllable due to some reason. In the end of the concert Moby asked the audience to raise their hands and took pictures of the people, for long rememberance. 




Следом прозвучал, почти, самый известный танцевальный хит Моби - "Lift me up", который музыкант объявил просьбой поднять руки и прыгать.