Prohanov: Lukashenka explained how to avoid revolution and throng

“It was a private conversation. There were no cameras. It was a meeting of good friends. I wanted to talk about his emotions connected with the tragic night after the presidential election – about the way “an orange revolution” was conducted in Minsk and how it was suppressed”, - says Alexander Prohanov.

Prohanov has told Euroradio that Lukashenka thinks that the revolution was suppressed with the help of special police troops. Everything was so ideal in Independence Square on the evening of December 19, 2010 that there was no throng.

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“He just told me that the actions of security agencies were clever, precise and certain, that they did not afford any excess. They tried to avoid bloodshed and throng as it was a common thing during clashes of masses of people with security agencies”.

The Belarusian leader would like the Russian election to have “no consequences”.

“He has expressed a desire to avoid serious consequences after the events of March 4 and 5 in Moscow”.

Alexander Prohanov has not specified what the Belarusian President meant and who was supposed to benefit from the election.

“Ён мне проста сказаў, што гэта былі разумныя, дакладныя, канкрэтныя дзеянні сілавых структур, якія не дазвалялі сабе ніякіх лішкаў. Дзейнічалі так, каб не проста пазбегнуць кровапраліцця, але і цісканіны, якая звычайна здараецца пры сутыкненнях вялікіх мас людзей з праваахоўнымі органамі”.