Lyapises’ concert cancelled in Homel, band’s songs not broadcast anymore

The concert of “Lyapis Trubetskoi” appointed for March 13 in Homel track and field athletics arena is unlikely to take place. The band’s press secretary Zmitser Bezkaravainy has informed Euroradio about it.

"We are not sure whether it will be so. But there is a threat. We have been informed that the director of the House of Culture, the organizer of the concert, was summoned to Homel city administration and told that the concert had to be cancelled”.

That is why the concert is unlikely to take place, adds Bezkaravainy. By the way, more than a thousand tickets have already been sold.

It is not clear whether it is connected with “the black list” published on the Internet but it does coincide with the band’s other problems in Belarus.

"Surprisingly, it coincides with the fact that Minsk and Belarusian radio stations have stopped broadcasting all songs of “Lyapis Trubetskoi”.

It is not clear what will happen to the Lyapises’ concert in Minsk, but “no bad information has been received”.