How to cross Belarus-Lithuania border in 23 minutes?

There are three ways to get to the Lithuanian capital: by bus, by train or by car. Euroradio has decided to see which option is the most quick, convenient and real.

To travel to Vilnius by bus, you need to take care of the tickets at least two weeks before the actual date. The price is 120,000 rubles for a one-way ticket.

So, let’s check the train option.

Two trains go from Minsk. The first one departs from the Belarusian capital at 7:45 a.m. and returns at 18:10. There are no tickets for it at all at present moment.

The second train from Minsk to Vilnius leaves at 18-50, and comes back at 6:05. There are 100 (!) return tickets for it on this weekend.

The prices for the tickets are  80-180 thousand roubles.

Want to try it by car? You will make 180 kilometers for 2-3 hours, plus one to thirteen hours to stand in a queue at the border! However, thoughtful Belarusians find a way.

"We arrive, leave the car at the border, and someone meets us at the other side. When you cross the Lithuanian border there is a petrol station, and a taxi. Many people cross the border this way. There was a queue of 200 cars, and we crossed the border by feet, and then there appeared a queue of those who wanted to cross the border by feet. We crossed the border in 23 minutes", — blogger Yauhen Lipkovich shares his experience of travelling to Vilnius. 

If we imagine that every Belarusian, who has a Lithuanian visa, wants to go to Vilnius at least once a weekend, then 2 800 people will cross the border every weekend. It makes a rather big queue!

Photo and Infographics - Euroradio.