Bandarenka: 80% of independent journalists are recruited

The ex-political prisoner claimed that 80% of independent Belarusian journalists worked for KGB.

Euroradio has asked deputy chairperson of the Belarusian Association of Journalists Alyaksandr Starykevich whether it is true that four out of five journalists were recruited by the special services. According to Starykevich, the 80% is not based on anything – he could have said 60% or 90%.

Starykevich: "The context of the statement is interesting. Bandarenka was asked about journalists’ complaints about the website of “Charter”. He simply replied that 80% of independent journalists were recruited by KGB. Nice! If somebody complains, just say that they are KGB agents. And the case may be closed!”

At the same time, everyone has the right to have their own opinion, says Starykevich. He does not think that Bandarenka’s statement should be discussed at the BAJ congress on May 18. He says that people will be able to understand it.

By the way, Zmitser Bandarenka has given an interview to the BAJ press service and explained his statement.