Football World

Aliaksei Mayorau 

Aliaksei Mayorau  / калаж Улада Рубанава, Еўрарадыё

The young football player's mother shared her son's long-held desire.
Aleh Kuzmianok /

Aleh Kuzmianok / /

Kuzmianok is currently employed in Malaysia.
People were honking and chanting late into the night in Lisbon.

The match against Seville was played in Tbilisi on August 11.

Ex-President Joseph Blatter resigned after a corruption scandal.

FIFA sees no reason to cancel the football championships in Russia and Qatar. The head of FIFA auditors said that it was possible earlier.

The club played Ukrainian Dnipro in the final.

Barcelona defeated the German club in the first match – 3:0.

An ex-player has claimed that he was not allowed to play in the first team due to the colour of his skin.