
Check out how over one ton of explosives destroyed the damaged bridge in this impressive video.
Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
Euroradio spent the night at the National Center of Modern Art, National History Museum and the National Art Museum.
Photo: Aliaksandr Dudko / Viber
Photo: Aliaksandr Dudko / Viber
The monument was erected at the Tadeusz Kosciuszko memorial near the Kosava Castle in western Belarus.
Euroradio image
Euroradio image
A Euroradio photo correspondent was in central Minsk on 9 May to see how people celebrated the WWII Victory Day.
Photo: BELTA
Photo: BELTA
The finalists of the national beauty contest Miss Belarus 2018 have visited the Independence Place.
The European Humanities University timed the event with the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Constitution Day of 3 May 1791.

Photo: Euroradio
Photo: Euroradio
The Chernobyl March 2018 rally from the beginning till the end in 20 pictures from Euroradio.
The new art project is dated for the International Day of Human Space Flight.
Minsk, Jakub Kolas Square. 25 March 2018. Photo: Euroradio
Minsk, Jakub Kolas Square. 25 March 2018. Photo: Euroradio
The police preventively detained activists to prevent an unauthorized demonstration in Minsk's streets.