
The very first rain has washed out part of the pavement in Volga Quay and the sand under the highway.
They were installed by actors of the Belarusian Free Theatre.
Activists have pasted leaflets with information about communist repressions and copies of Kurapaty defenders’ protocols on the fen
The books were provided by Belgazprombank for free.
The first dress rehearsal of the military parade was organized in the Belarusian capital on June 23.
Tension builds up between the Kurapaty memorial defenders and the newly opened restaurant.
Check the photos of a grenade launching drone designed to fight against light-armored vehicles.
"This is history, traditions and memory for me even though I am half Belarusian by origin,” Yuliya Mamedava said.
Workers discovered Jewish grave stones at a Minsk metro construction site in the center of Belarusian capital city.