
President Aliaksandr Lukashenka is paying a three-day state visit to Uzbekistan to focus on trade and economic cooperation.
Russian band Animal Jazz performing at the LIDBEER 2018 festival on 8 September 2018. Euroradio image.
Russian band Animal Jazz performing at the LIDBEER 2018 festival on 8 September 2018. Euroradio image.
Check out this Euroradio's huge photo report from the LIDBEER 2018 annual musical festival run by the Lida brewery.
Photo: Radio Svaboda
Photo: Radio Svaboda
Riot police in Minsk detained several Belarus fans holding national white-red-white flags as the hosts beat San Marino 5-0.
Euroradio photo
Euroradio photo
The new kits of Belarus national football team were presented on 3 September near the National Arts Museum in Minsk.
Sculptors Syarhey Ahanau and Volha Nyachai. Photo:
Sculptors Syarhey Ahanau and Volha Nyachai. Photo:
The experts' panel at the Culture Ministry approves the design of the monument to Grand Duke Gedymin of Lithuania in Lida.
Belarusian Volha Mazuronak won European women's marathon despite suffering from a nosebleed 30 minutes into the race.
Neuro Dubel frontman Alyaksandr Kulinkovich died of pneumonia at the age of 46.
Diego Maradona arrived at the stadium in a tank (or almost a tank)! Photo: Euroradio
Minsk sewer manholes will be decorated with fountains, flowers, telephones, horse-drawn trams and cute cats.