
The Belarusian Television showed a report about the released political prisoners in the evening on April 17.

Georgia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed such opinion.

The EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy has made a speech at the hearings of the European Parliament on April 17.

Spokesperson of EU's High Representative Maja Kocijancic has commented on the statement of the head of Belarusian President's Administration.

Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Konstantin Grishchenko has written about it on Twitter.

However, Victar Statkevich is sure that the ex-presidential candidate will never agree to do it.

Head of the President’s Administration Uladzimir Makei has claimed it in an interview with the Belarusian mass media today, on April 17.

Head of the President’s Administration Uladzimir Makei has claimed it in an interview with Belarusian mass media on April 17.

However, he is not forbidden to go abroad. The politician and ex-political prisoner has informed about it at a press conference in Minsk today.