
Half of the term to which Pavel Syevyarynets was sentenced passed on April 19. The political prisoner has had no reprimands within the term.

They say that the reason is...the EU's sanctions. Like, it has become too expensive to guard the border with the European Union!

They plan to return within the next 10 days.

Andrzej Galitsky, head of the foreign affairs commission of the Polish Sejm, has informed about it.

Young representatives of a number of parties and movements have signed the united platform of the boycott campaign of the Parliamentary Election “Ignore-2012”.

A representative of the company claimed it during the world Internet Forum in Stockholm.

Moscow District Court of the Belarusian capital has made the decision his Thursday.

Belarusian directors Volha Nikalaichyk and Syarhei Sakur made these documentary films.

The ONT TV-Channel showed Sannikau's appeal, in which he denied his guilt.