
The political prisoner was under the psychiatric expertise, the results are unknown.

Belarusians of St. Petersburg took part in the May 1 demonstration under the white-red-white flags.

About 170 people took part in it.

This country which is not a EU member, expanded sanctions against Belarus thus supporting the EU's decisions dated February and March.

The political prisoner explained in a letter to his wife why he does not sign an appeal for pardon.

This is musician from Asipovichy, activist of the "Tell the Truth" campaign Ihar Simbirou.

Problems of Belarus were mentioned at the session of the Russian President's Human Rights Council on April 28.

This is the sentence for Raman Vasilieu, detained after the "Chernobyl Way".

Judge Aksana Relyava sentenced Alyaksej Churylau to 10 days and Zmitser Shaulyukevich to 15 days of detention.