
It has been done because there were not enough policemen witnesses. The activist of “Tell the Truth” has been let off until the next hearing.

The leader for the Young Front (Czech Republic) has become the first laureate of the Freedom Prize founded in 2012.

A group of strangers abducted the general in Minsk on May 7, 1999.

They applied for discharge as they are dissatisfied with USD 200-400 salaries.

Presidents of Aurstria, Czech Rep., Germany,Italy, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Croatia, Albania, Hungary boycott summit of Central and Earstern Europe.

European politicians refuse to visit Ukraine during Euro-2012 football championship under the same reason that they want to move hockey World Cup from Belarus.

Head of the Swedish human rights organization Östgruppen Martin Uggla couldn't get even a transit visa.

It will take place in the Václav Square at 7 p.m. on May 4.

Journalist Henadz Barbarych has been released without any report.