
Only the necessity to impose sanctions on Belarus is disputable.

The CCP-BPF activist imprisoned in Mahilyou colony #9 is going to assert his rights in other ways.

The state leader accepted Foreign Minister Syarhei Martynau with a report on May 24.

The beaten "European Belarus" activist is still in the ambulance hospital.

It is most likely that the "Young Front" activist was not released after his term of detention expired yesterday.

Leader of Germany's Social Democrats Sigmar Gabriel has made a corresponding statement.

Victar Ivashkevich has visited the court today to receive explanations concerning the sentence pronounced to him on Tuesday.

His colleague Kasya Halitskaya has informed Euroradio about it.

Director General of Belarusian “Credexbank” Alyakandr Aksyanevich has claimed that the accusation of the U.S. Department of the Treasury is “utter nonsense”.