Restoration of Nyasvizh Castle: “rich style” instead of reality? (photo)

Everyone tried to guess before the opening ceremony on July 20 – will 95-year-old Elzbieta Radziwill , the last inhabitant of the castle, visit Nyasvizh? She did not arrive but it has turned out that the duchess came a few days later! Euroradio has talked to Ms. Elzbieta’s acquaintance who accompanied the duchess to the castle.


Acquaintance: “There were a lot of remarks about the furniture in some rooms”.

In the restorers’ opinion, duke Albrecht Radziwill slept in this luxurious bed.

A pre-war picture of this bed.

We have found out that the bed was bought at a European auction for $15 thousand a few years ago. But it looked different – here’s its photo before “the restoration":

Acquaintance: “There were many mistakes in the way the portraits were placed. You must be totally unaware of the family relationships to put the portraits like that!”

Acquaintance: “Ms. Elzbieta had a feeling that it was just a museum rather than a castle that used to belong to the Radziwills…”

By the way, only ONE bed is exposed in the castle. Where did the other family members sleep? Furthermore, you cannot find a single lavatory in the exposition halls.

The lavatory pan that belonged to Friedrich the Great, New Castle in Potsdam (Germany).

Janusz Radziwill’s bathtub in Nieborow (Poland).

The only thing the duchess seemed to like was the fact that the scandalous tower had been replaced.

The previous tower irritated almost everyone.

 Ms. Elzbieta liked the new tower better.

Comparison of old and new castle rooms made by Euroradio: