Power and water supply schedules to be introduced in Crimea

У Крыме ўводзяць графікі адключэння насельніцтва ад электрычнасці і вады

The major Crimean cities received electricity on the morning of November 22, senior vice PM of the republic Mikhail Sheremet told journalists.

According to him, additional power lines will be used to bring electricity to the areas where power is still down, TASS reports.


The peninsula lacks power stations, the official said. Power and water supply schedules need to be introduced for the time being. The Crimean Ministry of Energy has promised to inform the population about power suspension every two hours.


Crimea imports 80% of energy from Ukraine and produces the remaining 20%.

The power supply was down when strangers had blown up power lines, UNIAN reports. 1.9 million people were left without electricity for the whole night.


Crimea will no longer depend on Ukraine when the bridge connecting Krasnodar Krai and Crimea is built, Russian Minister of Energy Alexander Novik said. The first part of the project is expected to be built by 2020.


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